So I don't know about any of you but whenever it is general conference time and a sister speaker gets up, we always jump up and run to the bathroom, or put something in the oven or whatever, so that we can be back in time for the next talk. Well I vow to never skip a sister again! About 2 weeks ago we found out that the General Young Womens President, Sister Dalton was coming to Puerto Rico to talk to the young woman of our stake. Puerto Ricans love gringos almost as much as they love themselves. And if these gringos come from Utah- well all the more celebrated they are! So you can imagine everyone's excitement. Sister Dalton was at our stake center all day and did 3 different sessions. She first met with the class presidents. Then she had a training with the ward presidencies, and then later that night she had a fireside with all young women and their leaders.
Can I just say how impressed I was? This woman is an angel. She was the kind of person that you meet and instantly love. She radiated light and was so down to earth. She hugged everyone she saw and when I spoke with her she made me feel like she had been my beloved beehive advisor from a long time ago and wanted to catch up on my life and see what I had been up to. Of course she had a translator so that everyone else could understand what she was saying but I loved hearing her first hand. She is definitely an inspired leader and I can't wait to hear her again! Here are a couple of pictures of Sister Dalton with a few of our young women.
What a cool experience! In the picture with you, you are so tan that you are blending right in with the 'Ricans. Thanks for sharing:)
That is an incredible opportunity for you and for the girls. I promise not to skip (can't vouch for the husband though!)
I'm not trying to copy your blog, but it just so happens that Jennifer is here helping me learn to be a blogging mom and we happened to choose your same layout! Anyway-just wanted to say hello and give you our site www.chickenandcorn.blogspot.com
You look so pretty in your picture on your blogspot! Tell everyone hello for me. We saw David and Natalie this weekend. We miss your family! Sherrie
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