Monday, November 17, 2008

Elcetion day in Puerto Rico

Election days in Puerto Rico are the best! It is a giant party and the entire island shuts down. No school, all offices are closed, in fact illegal to make anyone work this day. Even the day before people start celebrating. Politics are huge here, 3 different political parties. One party is for Puerto Rico becoming a state (PNP),one party is for staying how it currently is as a US territory(PPD), and the other is a independent group that wants to be separated from the United States. Anyways Puerto Ricans are very passionate about politics. Since we could not vote we headed to the beach and had a wonderful time. All up and down the roads people were having ralleys and lined up and down the streets like a parade. Everyone hangs out their car windows and waves flags with their political parties colors and signs and honks their horns and makes lots of noise. It is a big festive day. We of course love that Puerto Ricans will celebrate anything. I think that when it comes to celebrations the United States could learn a few lessons from Puerto Ricans!


Anonymous said...

Nice! There was no partying like that after our election...well not in MESA anyways...heehee. Going to the beach in November must be great! It will be sad to leave Puerto Rico I bet.

Joel, Jenn, Kylie and Landon said...

I am so glad you finally posted. It is so not fair that you can go to the beach in November. We love to see pics of your growing boys, they are so cute!

megadog said...

I sure remember that-crazy times.
It's probably fun being a non-missionary and seeing it too.

Christine said...

You've moved to Colorado??? When did that happen?